ESM FDSNWS Event Web-Service

Sample requests

Publicly Available Data

Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-GET method, e.g. your favourite web browser:

Restricted Data (authenticated users only)

ESM Administrators and users with special authorizations can access data intended for internal use and/or embargoed.
Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-POST method, e.g. CURL:

HTTP-POST variables (required)

Option Description
messageThe clearsign token obtained from the generate-signed-message authentication webservice.

Query options

URL format

Option Description Default
starttimeLimit to events on or after the specified start time.1900-01-01T00:00:00
endtimeLimit to events on or before the specified end time.2100-01-01T00:00:00
minlatitudeSquare selection: limit to events with a latitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.-90
maxlatitudeSquare selection: limit to events with a latitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.90
minlongitudeSquare selection: limit to events with a longitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.-180
maxlongitudeSquare selection: limit to events with a longitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.180
latitudeCircular selection: specify the latitude to be used for a radius search.0
longitudeCircular selection: specify the longitude to the used for a radius search.0
minradiusCircular selection: limit to events within the specified minimum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.0
maxradiusCircular selection: limit to events within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.180
mindepthLimit to events with depth more than the specified minimum.0
maxdepthLimit to events with depth less than the specified maximum.500
minmagnitudeLimit to events with a magnitude larger than the specified minimum.0
maxmagnitudeLimit to events with a magnitude smaller than the specified maximum.10
format{xml,text, shapefile} Specify format of result, either 'xml', 'text' or 'shapefile'.xml
orderby{time,time-asc,magnitude,magnitude-asc} Order the result by time or magnitude with the following possibilities: 'time': order by origin descending time, 'time-asc': order by origin ascending time, 'magnitude': order by descending magnitude, 'magnitude-asc': order by ascending magnitude.time
magnitudetype{any,mw,ml,ms,md,mb} Specify a magnitude type to use for testing the minimum and maximum limits.any
includeallmagnitudesSpecify if all magnitudes for the event should be included.False
includealloriginsSpecify if all origins for the event should be included.False
limitLimit the results to the specified number of events (Note: number of results may be wrong when 'includeallmagnitudes' option is set).any
eventidSelect a specific event by ID; event identifiers are data center specific. Multiple codes are comma-separated. It must be a valid ASCII. Allowed wildcard: '*' (matches zero or more characters) or '?' (matches a single character).*
catalog{ESM,EMSC,USGS,ISC,INGV} Select a catalog for the specified '--eventid'; available catalogs are: 'ESM', 'EMSC', 'USGS', 'ISC' and 'INGV'.ESM


Backend Python software used by this web service was originally developed by Puglia R. and Russo E., and it is currently maintained by Russo E. and Felicetta C.