ESM Shakemap Web-Service

Sample requests

Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-GET method, e.g. your favourite web browser:

Query options

Option Description Default
eventidSelect a specific event by ID. Multiple IDs are not allowed. NOTE: The event ID must exist in the catalog of your choicen/a
catalogSelect a catalog for the specified 'eventid'; available catalogs are: 'ESM', 'ISC', 'USGS', 'EMSC' and 'INGV'.ESM
formatSpecify output format for USGS ShakeMap program input, either 'event', 'event_dat' or 'event_fault'.event_dat
flagInclude problematic data. Valid values are: '0' (problematic data are not included) or 'all' (problematic data are included and marked with flag="1" in event_dat output)0
encodingCharacter encoding of 'event_dat' output. This parameter is ignored when output 'event' and 'event_fault' are chosen. Valid values are: 'UTF-8' or 'US-ASCII'UTF-8


Backend Python software used by this web service is developed and maintained by Russo E. and Felicetta C.