ESM Flatfile Web-Service

Sample requests

Publicly Available Data

Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-GET method, e.g. your favourite web browser:

Restricted Data (authenticated users only)

ESM Administrators and users with special authorizations can access data intended for internal use and/or embargoed.
Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-POST method, e.g. CURL:

HTTP-POST variables (required)

Option Description
messageThe clearsign token obtained from the generate-signed-message authentication webservice.

Query options

Option Description Default
spectra{SA, SD}
Specify the type of the response spectrum ('SA' = spectral acceleration ordinates; 'SD' = spectral displacement ordinates).
include-fieldsSpecify the fields to be included in the output table. A complete list of the available fields can be found here*
output-format{csv, shapefile}
Specify the output format. NOTE:output-format = shapefile format must include events and/or stations coordinates.
contains-string{True, False}
Specify the search mode ('contains' or 'exact') for some search options (eventid,event-name,event-region,event-province,event-municipality,station,station-name,station-country,station-region,station-province)
eventidSpecify events by ESM-ID according to the ESM database. Multiple IDs are comma-separated.*
event-nameSpecify the name of the event according to the ESM database.*
event-countrySpecify ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the event country. Multiple countries are comma-separated.*
event-regionSpecify the administrative region of the event. Multiple regions are comma-separated.*
event-provinceSpecify the administrative province of the event.*
event-municipalitySpecify the municipality of the event.*
starttimeLimit to waveforms related to events on or after the specific start time. Allowed formats: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' and 'YYYY-MM-DD'.*
endtimeLimit to waveforms related to events on or before the specific end time. Allowed formats: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' and 'YYYY-MM-DD'.*
min-event-latitudeMinumum value of latitude for events selection.n/a
max-event-latitudeMaximum value of latitude for events selection.n/a
min-event-longitudeMinumum value of longitude for events selection.n/a
max-event-longitudeMaximum value of longitude for events selection.n/a
min-event-depthMinumum value of hypocentral depth [km] for events selection.n/a
max-event-depthMaximum value of hypocentral depth [km] for events selection.n/a
min-magnitudeLimit to events with a magnitude larger than the specified minimum value (Mw or Ml or Ms or Mb or Md or generic M).n/a
max-magnitudeLimit to events with a magnitude smaller than the specified minimum value (Mw or Ml or Ms or Mb or Md or generic M).n/a
style-of-faulting{NF, TF, SS, U}
Specify the style of faulting ('NF' = normal faulting; 'TF' = thrust faulting; 'SS' = strike-slip faulting; 'U' = unknown). Multiple style of faulting are comma-separated.
networkSpecify one or more SEED network available in the ESM database. Multiple codes are comma-separated.n/a
stationSpecify one or more SEED station code available in the ESM database. Multiple codes are comma-separated.n/a
max-sensor-depthSpecify maximum value of the depth of the sensor [m].n/a
station-nameSpecify the name of the station according the ESM database.*
station-countrySpecify ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 of the station country. Multiple countries are comma-separated.*
station-regionSpecify the administrative region of the station. Multiple regions are comma-separated.*
station-provinceSpecify the administrative province of the station.*
station-municipalitySpecify the municipality of the station.*
min-sta-latitudeMinumum value of latitude for stations selection.n/a
max-sta-latitudeMaximum value of latitude for stations selection.n/a
min-sta-longitudeMinumum value of longitude for stations selection.n/a
max-sta-longitudeMaximum value of longitude for stations selection.n/a
min-vs30Minumum value of VS,30 [m/s] for stations selection. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the "soil-class" option.n/a
max-vs30Maximum value of VS,30 [m/s] for stations selection.
This option cannot be used in conjunction with the "soil-class" option.
soil-class{A, B, C, D, E}
Specify the soil class according to NTC18 or EC8 classification. Multiple classes are comma-separated.
This option cannot be used in conjunction with the "min-vs30" or "max-vs30" options.
estimation-method{geophysical, geology, topography}
Specify the method used to estimate the VS,30 values or NTC18/EC8 site classes. ('geophysical' = from geophysical survey; 'geology' = from surface geology; 'topography' = from topographic proxy).
reference-site{Y, N, ALL}
Possibility to select only station classified as reference sites according to Lanzano et al. (2022) ('Y' = only reference sites; 'N' = not reference sites).
channel{HN, HG, HL, EH, HH}
Specify the channel code of the waveforms selection: EH/HH = velicimeter sensors; HN/HG/HL = accelerometric sensors. Multiple codes are comma-separated.
instrument-type{A, D, U, ALL}
Specify the instrument type of the waveforms selection ('A' = analog; 'D' = digital; 'U' = unknown; 'ALL' = analog and digita.
min-epicentral-distanceLimit to waveforms with epicentral distance greater than the specified minimum.n/a
max-epicentral-distanceLimit to waveforms with epicentral distance smaller than the specified maximum.n/a
min-joynerboore-distanceLimit to waveforms with Joyner-Boore distance greater than the specified minimum.n/a
max-joynerboore-distanceLimit to waveforms with Joyner-Boore distance smaller than the specified maximum.n/a
min-unprocessed-pgaMinumum value of unprocessed Peak-Ground Acceleration [cm/s^2] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-unprocessed-pgaMaximum value of unprocessed Peak-Ground Acceleration [cm/s^2] for waveforms selection.n/a
min-pgaMinumum value of horizontal Peak-Ground Acceleration [cm/s^2] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-pgaMaximum value of horizontal Peak-Ground Acceleration [cm/s^2] for waveforms selection.n/a
min-pgvMinumum value of horizontal Peak-Ground Velocity [cm/s] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-pgvMaximum value of horizontal Peak-Ground Velocity [cm/s] for waveforms selection.n/a
min-pgdMinumum value of horizontal Peak-Ground Displacement [cm] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-pgdMaximum value of horizontal Peak-Ground Displacement [cm] for waveforms selection.n/a
min-arias-intensityMinumum value of horizontal Arias Intensity [cm/s] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-arias-intensityMaximum value of horizontal Arias Intensity [cm/s] for waveforms selection.n/a
min-housner-intensityMinumum value of horizontal Housner Intensity [cm] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-housner-intensityMaximum value of horizontal Housner Intensity [cm] for waveforms selection.n/a
min-t90Minumum value of horizontal T90 [cm] for waveforms selection.n/a
max-t90Maximum value of horizontal T90 [cm] for waveforms selection.n/a
late-triggered{Y, N, ALL}
Possibility to select only late-triggered wavefomrs ('Y' = only late-triggered waveforms; 'N' = not include late-triggered waveforms; 'ALL' = include also late-triggered waveforms).
include-pulse-like{0, 1, 3, 4, 9, ALL}
Select waveforms with peculiarities in terms of pulse-like behaviour ('0' = non-pulse like behaviour; '1' = pulse-like behaviour; '2' = pulse-like behaviour most likely caused by site effects; '3' = pulse-like behaviour linked to near-source fling-step ground motion; '4' = pulse-like behaviour linked to directivity effects; '9' = not investigated.
unprocessed{Y, N}
Possibility to include the unprocessed waveforms in the selection ('Y' = include; 'N' = not include)
bad-quality{Y, N}
Possibility to include the bad-quality waveforms in the selection ('Y' = include; 'N' = not include)
processing-type{MP, AP, MB, AB, ALL}
Specify the processing type for the waveforms selection ('MP' = manually processed using Paolucci et al. (2011); 'AP = automatically processed using Paolucci et al., 2011; 'MB' = manually processed with eBASCO procedure; 'AB' = automatically processed with eBASCO procedure


Backend Python software used by this web service is developed and maintained by Felicetta C. and Russo E.