ESM Event-Data Web-Service

Sample requests

Publicly Available Data

Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-GET method, e.g. your favourite web browser:

Restricted Data (authenticated users only)

ESM Administrators and users with special authorizations can access data intended for internal use and/or embargoed.
Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-POST method, e.g. CURL:

HTTP-POST variables (required)

Option Description
messageThe clearsign token obtained from the generate-signed-message authentication webservice or from EIDA authentication webpage.

Query options

URL format

Option Description Default
eventidSelect a specific event by ID; IDs are catalog specific, you can specify a catalog using the '-- catalog' option. Multiple IDs are comma-separated. It must be a valid ASCII. Allowed wildcard: '*' (matches zero or more characters) or '?' (matches a single character).*
catalog{ESM,EMSC,USGS,ISC,INGV} Select a catalog for the specified '--eventid' option; available catalogs are: 'ESM', 'EMSC', 'USGS', 'ISC' and 'INGV'.ESM
networkSelect one or more network codes. Can be SEED network codes or data center defined codes. Multiple codes are comma-separated. It must be a valid ASCII. Allowed wildcard: '*' (matches zero or more characters) or '?' (matches a single character).*
stationSelect one or more SEED station codes. Multiple codes are comma-separated. It must be a valid ASCII. Allowed wildcard: '*' (matches zero or more characters) or '?' (matches a single character).*
locationSelect one or more SEED location identifiers. Multiple identifiers are commaseparated. As a special case '--' (two dashes) will be translated to a string of two space characters to match blank location IDs. It must be a valid ASCII. Allowed wildcard: '*' (matches zero or more characters) or '?' (matches a single character).*
channelSelect one or more SEED channel codes. Multiple codes are comma-separated. It must be a valid ASCII. Allowed wildcard: '*' (matches zero or more characters) or '?' (matches a single character).*
format{hdf5,mseed,sac,ascii} Specify format for result. Choose between an ASDF volume ('hdf5') or a zip file containing either MiniSEED ('mseed'), SAC ('sac'), or DYNA 1.2 ASCII files ('ascii').hdf5
processing-type{CV,MP,AP} Specify processing type for data selection; available types are: 'CV' (data converted to cm/s^2), 'MP' (manually processed using Paolucci et al., 2011) and 'AP' (automatically processed using Paolucci et al., 2011).MP
data-type{ACC,VEL,DIS,SA,SD} Specify data type for data selection; available types are: 'ACC' (acceleration, in cm/s^2), 'VEL' (velocity, in cm/s), 'DIS' (displacement, in cm), 'SA' (acceleration response spectra, in cm/s^2) and 'SD' (displacement response spectra, in cm).ACC
add-xml{True,False} Add related QuakeML and FDSN StationXML. The value attributed to this option is ignored when 'format=ascii' is choosen.False
add-auxiliary-data{True,False} Add related auxiliary data (e.g. processing parameters, site characterization metadata, etc.). The value attributed to this option is ignored when 'format=ascii' is choosen.False


Backend Python software used by this web service was originally developed by Russo E. and Puglia R., and it is currently mantained by Russo E. and Felicetta C.